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Want a Fun and FREE way to get in Your “I Am”Affirmations? Try This!

As a Life Coach I deal with a lot of different kinds of people, most of which struggle with self care and self development. I wanted to create something for people who want to level up in those departments in a fun way that’s easy to incorporate into your busy day to day life. This Word search is a great way to let your subconscious take over as you zone out and while easily repeating and finding “I am“ affirmations.

Why are “I Am” Affirmations Important?

Practicing affirmations activates the reward system in your brain which can directly effect the way your body and nervous system respond to physical and emotional pain. By knowing that you have the ability to manage your stress and day to day anxieties it can boost your confidence and self empowerment further boosting your confidence in yourself overall.

Are affirmations Scientifically Proven to Work?

Yes! With regular practice Affirmations have been proven to make long lasting and impactful changes to the way you think and feel. Affirmations are backed by science because they are part of a widely accepted psychological theory- the key theories behind affirmations are self-affirmation theory (Steele, 1988). There are solid studies based on the idea that we can mold our sense of self worth by affirming what we believe in positive ways every day.

Are you ready to zone out and let the affirmations do their job? Print my FREE word search below!

Once your done, come back and leave a comment on this blog for a chance to Win a FREE 1 hour Life Coaching Session with me! That gives you TWO FREE SESSIONS including my Free consultation. That’s 120 minutes towards the life YOU want to live.

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